Now Hiring
Voted Best Pet Store in Essex County!
Brookdale Pet Center has been a member of the community since 1994 servicing customers by providing pet food and supplies for dogs, cats, fish, reptiles, birds and small animals like rabbits, guinea pigs and hamsters. Specializing in natural and holistic products, we focus on providing every animal with the highest quality of life by closely mimicking the native habitats and instincts of each individual pet. Through education and a wide selection of products, we hope to provide every customer with the necessary tools to keep their four-legged, finned or feathered family members happy and healthy.
Available Positions
Shift Manager
Part-time to possible full-time
2+ years experience in retail or customer service, competitive pay!
Delivery Driver
Part-time position.
Clean driving record, driver’s license and reliable car required.
We are looking for a special individual that has the following qualities:
B.R.O.O.K.D.A.L.E. P.E.T.
B right and cheery with a healthy lifestyle
R eliable, responsible and organized
O pen-minded, experience is not needed but be quick to learn
O utgoing personality comfortable with customer care
K ind-hearted and caring for all living things
D etail-oriented, follows directions accordingly and takes pride in a job well done
A ppreciative, thankful and humble
L oving and positive attitude
E nergetic and works well in an upbeat environment
P unctual, punctual, punctual and punctual. Did we mention punctual?
E ven-tempered, level-headed, sensible and able to handle stressful situations
T imely and able to perform tasks quickly and carefully
We promise to provide:
C ompetitive pay
E ducation and knowledge in pet care
N ourishment towards your personal goals
T asks that bring fulfillment
E ncouragement and support
R ewarding career in pet care and customer service